You’ve finished writing your essay. Now, it’s time to make an alphabetized list of all the books, periodicals and websites you used. Some writing styles call this list the bibliography. Since a bibliography example can speak louder than words, get a sample of bibliographies in MLA, APA and Chicago styles. Then, learn about the different types of bibliographies available that you may need to...
When you’re trying to get your project or research paper organized, it can be helpful to create a preliminary bibliography before jumping in head first. Not only will this help you to organize your research, but it’ll give you a good start on your paper. Preliminary bibliographies can also help you figure out which sources are keepers or duds. What Is a Preliminary Bibliography? After you...
Several school projects can include a research paper. Writing a paper for a school project can be a daunting task. Whether you are writing for college or high school, you need to keep track of the sources you use and reference them at the end of your paper. The type of reference list or bibliography that you use for your school project will depend on you or your professor. What Is a Bibliography...
You’ve been looking over the different writing styles and noticed that MLA and APA format are similar. Staring at the citation page, you really can’t see a difference between the two. While MLA 8 and APA 7 do have a lot of similarities in the citation pages, there are a few distinct differences that you’ll notice if you really look at them. MLA vs. APA If you are comparing MLA and APA citation...
Your professor required that you create endnotes for your in-text citation. You’ve composed your endnote page beautifully. Now, you’re looking at creating the bibliography. But why? Didn’t you already cover everything in your endnotes? Learn about the differences and similarities between a bibliography and endnotes. Find out when you’ll use each and why. Endnotes, Bibliography or Both...
Your eyes are crossed. You haven’t showered in three days, but your paper is done. Pushing away from your computer, you breathe a much needed sigh of relief. That is until you realize that you haven’t created your bibliography. What’s your style again? How do you create it? Don’t worry, your guide to bibliography rules is right here, ready to help. Not All Bibliographies Are Equal In the...
Your paper is perfect! All your in-text quotes have a citation, the formatting is top-notch, and you’re now breathing a sigh of relief. Until you realize you don’t have a works cited. Don’t lose your cool. You have the research and the paper. Now, just follow the MLA 8 works cited page example below as a guide to create your own. Table of Contents How to Do a Works Cited Page Example of Works...
Your professor requested APA format, and your paper is done. Time to breathe easy, right? What about your APA reference page? You didn’t think to create an APA citation page while you were writing your paper, and now you are staring at it in horror. You have your references, but what should they look like? How should they be formatted? Learn how to use’s citation...
In high school, college and even during your professional career, knowing how to make a citation within your writing is important. The citation lets the reader know where you found the information and where they can find the information. It also makes it clear that these aren’t your thoughts. Citation is all about giving credit where credit is due. Citation is All About Style Whether it’s...
References and citations are the apples and oranges of the writing world. While it might seem like these two words are interchangeable. They are distinctly different within a scholarly writing piece in MLA, APA format or Chicago style. Learn what they are and how to use each one. Citations or References No matter what writing style that you use, you’ll come across the reference or citation...
Is your professor asking you to write an MLA annotated bibliography? Are you clueless? You’ve come to the right place. The world of bibliographies can be a tricky web to weave, especially when talking about annotated bibliographies. Take a deep breath and get ready. You’re going to learn everything you need to know to make an annotated bibliography in MLA 8 style. MLA Annotated...
You were trying to get away from footnotes by creating your paper in MLA or APA format, but you just can’t avoid them. Remember that footnotes in MLA or APA are a rare occurrence. You’ll only use MLA 8 or APA 7 footnotes to make bibliographic, content, or copyright notes. Basically, you’re just going to give your reader a little extra information that wouldn’t fit in the text. Now that you know...
The Bible is a formidable opponent in the writing arena. Citing Bible verses comes will all types of questions. Do you need to know how to quote the Bible? Does it vary with each citation style? The list goes on and on. However, don’t sweat it. Breaking down how to cite the Bible in MLA 8, APA 7, and Chicago 17 for parenthetical and reference citations is as easy as ABC or NKJV (New King James...
You can’t avoid citing a PDF (Portable Document Format), especially if you’re using the internet for research. As it turns out, the “how to” when it comes to how to cite a PDF in your MLA 8, APA 7 or Chicago/Turabian style paper is easier than you think. Just break down your MLA PDF citation to the basic elements and number of authors, and then cite it like any other electronic document. Just in...
Figuring out how to format your work with just one author was hard enough. Now, you have a book that has three different authors and one with eleven different authors. You know all those names are just going to clutter up your APA 7 essay. Learn the right way to source multiple authors using APA citations. Creating a Parenthetical Citation Whether you have a book or magazine with multiple...
Images and photographs add diversity and visual information that sometimes just isn’t possible with words alone. But, how do you cite a picture and add it to your MLA 8 works cited list? Learn the ins and outs of citing an image in your MLA work and a little about the legalities. How to Cite a Reproduced Image in Text MLA Sometimes, it makes sense to reference images visually to prove a point...
With the advent of YouTube, Vimeo, and other great video sites, you can find short videos and how-to-videos online from a wide range of experts. This means you might need to know how to cite a video or YouTube as part of your essay. Make your video citations “fabulous” by following a few simple tricks for citing a YouTube video in MLA or APA. Table of Contents How to Cite a Video in...
You thought that your citation game was strong. But, you’ve hit a blog. Don’t stress. Blog style citations typically break down the who, when, what and where of the blog you used. Just so you are prepared for anything that comes your way, learn the formats for MLA 8, APA 6, Chicago 17 and Harvard. Citing a Blog in MLA Humanities writing your game? Then, MLA style is what you are looking for...
You think citing quotes in your APA format paper is going to be simple. But, suddenly you have one book with multiple authors and another book with no date. You’re trying to add a citation for a website quote with no author or date. Plus, you have an interview. Simple APA 7 citations have become a mess. Break down citations for books, websites and even interviews in even the most difficult...
Interviews can add a personalized touch to your paper, since this information is not found anywhere else and comes from an expert. Interviews are primary sources. Since you’ve done all the hard work and conducted these interviews, make sure you format your citations correctly in APA 6 style. Give your paper the polished look it deserves. Adding an Interview in APA The sixth edition of APA is a...
Wikipedia is a great starting point for research. Some will caution using it as a source because the content is user generated and plagiarism issues can come into play. But, it’s usually backed up with additional sources that can improve your writing. If you’re adding it to your bibliography, reference list or works cited, there are a few easy ways to cite Wikipedia no matter what format...
Writing can be a fun and exciting time. Don’t let your head get all jumbled over styles, especially if you come across a problematic source like a blog or article with no author. Instead of losing your cool, follow these simple steps to creating a citation for sources with no author in APA 7 format. No Author, No Problem for APA Style guides let you wrap everything up in a nice neat package...
Hath thou ever cited a poem before? Citing a poem in MLA 8 format isn’t life or death; it’s simply a matter of knowing the MLA citation style. Not only will your writing be flawless, but your poem quotations will be impeccable too. Now it’s time to learn how to cite a poem in MLA with ease. Citing a Poem In-Text Poems come in all shapes and sizes. They are the size of a novel or as few as...