Following these MLA video citation examples will guide you through the process of writing entries in your works cited page. MLA 8 style allows for flexibility while creating your works cited entries. Adapt this basic format using the container system with nine core elements. Using video sources, such as DVDs and streaming videos, sparks interest in your research paper.

MLA Video Citation Format Examples
Using MLA style’s flexible container system, arrange video citations using the nine core elements to spotlight your works cited citation. For example, if you’re writing a paper about a director, place the director’s name in the first element. If you’re writing about an actor, list the actor’s last name and first name as the first element. Also, when referencing a particular section of a video, include the time code in your in-text citation.
Basic Format – Works Cited
Last Name, First Name, role. Title of Video. Other Contributors, Publisher, Date, Location.
Basic Format – In-Text Citation
(Last Name)
(Last Name Start Time – End Time)
Example – Works Cited
George, Jason, director. The Art of Effortless Living (Taoist Documentary). One World Within, 2019,
Example – In-Text Citation
(George 01:01:46)
Streaming Video MLA Citation Format Example
Look for videos on streaming platforms, such as Netflix and Hulu, as possible citation sources for your research paper, too. Follow this format, adjusting as needed.
Format – Works Cited
Last Name, First Name, role. Title of Video, role by Other Contributors, Date, URL.
Format – In-Text Citation
(Last Name)
(Last Name Start Time – End Time)
Example – Works Cited
Van Dormael, Jaco, director. Mr. Nobody, produced by Phillippe Godeau, 2009,
Example – In-Text Citation
(Van Dormael)
(Van Dormael 01:11:16)
DVD Citation Format Example
Find older movies on DVD in your library. Citing these DVDs follows the same MLA core elements as the online streaming examples above. Place the disc number, if it’s part of a series, at the end of the citation. Use the title as the first element unless you are focusing on another contributor.
Works Cited Format
Title of Video. Contributors, Publisher/Production Company, Year, disc #.
In-Text Citation Format
(Title of Video Start Time – End Time)
Example – Works Cited
The Great Ideas of Philosophy, performance by Daniel N. Robinson, The Teaching Company, 2004, disc 4.
Example – In-Text Citation
(Great Ideas 01:15:15 – 01:20:03)
- Use the title as the first element, if the citation is about the video.
- Do not include http;// or https:// in the URL of online videos.
- Include relevant contributors, such as the performer, director, or producer.
- Abbreviate titles within in-text citations.
- The access date is optional; ask your instructor.
Adding Visual Elements to Your MLA Paper
These MLA citation examples help you include interesting visual elements to your research. Writing about humanities includes researching art, history, literature and philosophy. Finding video resources adds dimension and life to your school paper.