If you are writing an anthropology essay on the Navajo people, you may choose to talk about housing structures. This 17th edition of the Chicago/Turabian author-date style sample bibliography provides five resources for you to start researching this subject.

Bibliography Example Format
As you review this bibliography example for an anthropology paper, you’ll notice that it references a variety of sources. This is a very good research strategy, since it will provide a wider breadth of content and context for your essay.
For example, citing journal articles lends credibility from authoritative sources. By comparison, citing older materials can illustrate how the understanding of the topic has changed over the years. The sample bibliography here includes many online sources, including both URL and DOI addresses, plus one example to show how to cite a source with no date.
Drover, Christopher E. 1985. “Navajo Settlement and Architecture in Southeastern California.” Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 7, no. 1: 46-47. https://www.academia.edu/37741536/Navajo_Settlement_and_Architecture_in_Southeastern_California.
Hurt, Wesley R. Jr. 1942. “Eighteenth Century Navaho Hogans from Canyon de Chelly National Monument.” American Antiquity 8, no. 1: DOI:https://doi.org/10.2307/275638.
Jett, Stephen C. 1980. “The Navajo Homestead: Situation and Site.” Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 42:101–117. https://muse.jhu.edu/.
Navajo People. n.d. “Navajo Homes – Hogans.” Accessed July 7, 2019. http://navajopeople.org/navajo-hogans.htm.
Thompson, Kerry Frances. 2009. “Alkidaa’da hooghanee (They Used to Live Here): An Archaeological Study of Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Navajo Hogan Households and Federal Indian Policy.” https://repository.arizona.edu/handle/10150/194961.
Two Chicago Styles
Chicago style citations actually consist of two different styles. First, the author-date style discussed here is generally simpler and more straightforward. Secondly, the notes-biblio style is more complex, as it requires footnotes or endnotes for additional information or explanation.
Creating a bibliography in notes-biblio style is similar, except you need to make sure that every notes entry corresponds to an entry in the bibliography. However, you may omit certain sources from your bibliography in notes-biblio style, too. These include blog posts, the Bible, and personal communications.
Start Your Anthropology Bibliography Today
Writing and researching in your anthropology or history class can be fun and interesting as you learn about the past and the way humans interact with each other. This Chicago/Turabian author-date style sample bibliography gives you a good start on your anthropology essay on the Navajo people.