These Chicago 17 style article citation examples will illustrate the basic format you should follow for your paper. Using newspaper, magazine and journal articles supplies updated data for your research sources. Published regularly, these periodicals provide current research for your school paper. Follow these examples for Chicago’s two citation styles.

How to Cite a Newspaper in Chicago Style
Use this format to cite a newspaper article in Chicago author-date style. Simply add the URL as the last element of the Chicago style citation for web articles.
Reference List Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title of Article.” Name of Newspaper, Month Day, Year.
Parenthetical Citation Format
(Author’s Last Name Year)
Example Reference List
Williamson, Betty. 2019. “A Dash of National Recognition and a Swirl of Nostalgia.” Eastern New Mexico News, November 20, 2019.
Example Parenthetical Citation
(Williamson 2019)
Chicago Notes-Bibliography Style
When following the Chicago notes-bibliography style, only cite newspaper articles in notes. There’s no need to create a bibliography entry unless the article is an important piece of your research. Don’t add a page number.
Bibliography Citation Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Newspaper Name, Month Day, Year.
Notes Citation Format
Author’s First Last Name, “Title of Article,” Newspaper Name, Month Day, Year.
Example Bibliography Entry
Kenny, Tess. “Remembering Michael Dvortcsak: A Legacy of Hard Work, Love for Art.” Santa Barbara News-Press, December 11, 2019.
Example Notes Entry
1. Tess Kenney, “Remembering Michael Dvortcsak: A Legacy of Hard Work, Love for Art,” Santa Barbara News-Press, December 11, 2019.
Chicago Magazine Article Citation Examples
Use the author’s name and date of publication as the first two elements in the author-date style. If there’s no author listed, use the title as the first element.
Reference List Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title of Article.” Name of Magazine, Month Day, Year.
Parenthetical Citation Format
(Author’s Last Name Year, Page #)
Example Reference List
Tarlach, Gemma. 2019. “Return to Aquaterra.” Discover, June 2019.
Example Parenthetical Citation
(Tarlach 2019)
Notes-Bibliography Style Citation Examples
Citing magazine articles in Chicago notes-bibliography follows this basic format.
Bibliography Citation Format
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Magazine Name, Month Day, Year.
Notes Citation Format
##. Author’s First Last Name, “Title of Article,” Magazine Name, Month Day, Year, XX.
Example Bibliography Entry
Hansen, James R. “To the Moon and Back.” Discover, June 2019.
Example Notes Entry
2. James R. Hansen, “To the Moon and Back”, Discover, June 2019, 35.
Chicago Journal Article Citation Examples
Find journal articles online and format them this way using the author-date style. Include the DOI. For multiple authors, follow the same pattern outlined in these journal article examples.
Reference List Citation Format
Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. Year of Publication. “Title of Article: Subtitle of Article.” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Additional Date Information): YY-YY.
Parenthetical Citation Format
(Author’s Last Name Year of Publication, Page #)
Example Reference List
Taylor, Kay Ann. 2005. “Mary S. Peake and Charlotte L. Forten: Black teachers during the Civil War and Reconstruction.” The Journal of Negro Education 74, no. 2 (Spring): 124-137.
Example Parenthetical Citation
(Taylor 2005, 127)
Notes-Bibliography Style for Journal Articles
Using journal articles in your notes-bibliography paper requires formatting your citations like these examples. For multiple authors, follow the same pattern as book citations.
Bibliography Citation Format
Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. “Title of Article: Subtitle of Article.” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of Publication): YY-YY.
Note Citation Format
##. Author’s First and Last Names, “Title of Article: Subtitle of Article,” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of Publication): XX.
Example Bibliography Entry
Foner, Eric. “Rights and the Constitution in Black Life during the Civil War and Reconstruction.” The Journal of American History 74, no. 3 (1987): 863-883.
Example Notes Entry
3. Eric Foner, “Rights and the Constitution in Black Life During the Civil War and Reconstruction,”
- Use the DOI for online journal articles, if available.
- Append https://doi to your DOI entries.
- Always follow your teacher’s guidelines.
Searching for Articles Online
As a student, you usually have access to paid and free databases. These databases index thousands of periodicals including journals, magazines, and newspapers. If you don’t have access through your school, check with your public library. Learn to search using keyphrases linked to your thesis. Seek out classes on refining your online skills. Then, refer to these Chicago style article citation examples to format your paper correctly.