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APA Poster Presentation, Meeting, and Symposia Citations

Professional organizations, government agencies, and corporations often host conferences in which researchers can present new material and ideas to their peers. Conferences tend to be large multi-day events while a symposium is a smaller gathering, usually conducted in one day. Learn how to format symposia citations in APA 7 correctly to add this material to your APA citation research paper.

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Using Meeting Proceedings in Research

Important current research is often presented at meetings and symposia, which is then published in periodicals, such as journals or even published in a book. These proceedings can be a good source for researching your school paper. It’s not difficult to cite published proceedings in APA 7 format as it follows the book citation. If they’ve been published, you may also cite poster presentations the same way.


Witten, I. H., Boddie, S. J., Bainbridge, D., & McNab, R. J. (2000). Greenstone: a comprehensive open-source digital library software system. In Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Digital libraries (pp. 113-121). ACM.

Note: Include the URL or DOI, if you retrieved the source online.


Format for Symposia Citations

Referencing information in conference for research paper

If the paper or presentation has not been published formally, use this format for your citation:

Contributor, A.A., Contributor, B.B., Contributor, C.C., & Contributor, D.D. (Year, Month). Title of contribution. In E.E. Chairperson (Chair). Title of symposium. [Symposium]. Organization Name, Location.


Muelbauer, J. (2007, September). Housing, credit, and consumer expenditure. In S. C. Ludvigson (Chair), Housing and consumer behavior. [Symposium]. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, WY.

Cite a Paper Presentation or Poster

As part of larger conference, which may be held over the course of several days, presenters may include poster presentations. Much like the science fair projects you created in school, these posters provide data in appealing, visual ways. What’s more, poster presentations also include a list of sources. This list may be handed out on a separate sheet or included on the poster itself, much like a slideshow citation list.

Follow this format when citing a paper or poster of this type:

Presenter, A.A. (Year, Month). Title of paper or poster. [Poster presentation]. Organization Name, Location.

Note:  Use the month and year of the symposium or meeting for unpublished works.



Herculano-Houszel, S., Collins, C.E. Wong, P., Kass, J.H., & Lent, R. (2008). The basic nonuniformity of the cerebal cortex. [Symposium]. National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105, 12593-12598. https://doi:10.1073pnas.0805417105

Current Research Ideas

It takes a little more work to find published and unpublished proceedings of symposia, meeting, poster and other presentations. However, including these sources adds depth to your APA format research and provides current thought on ongoing research areas.

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