Learn and Generate Bibliographies, Citations, and Works Cited

APA Website Citation Examples

Using the web to find information for your APA format school paper is the easiest way for students. Since it’s easy to upload content daily or even hourly, the information is current.  Follow the APA 7 citation format for the source and add the website address at the end.

Citation generator

Basic APA Citation Format

Websites can offer a plethora of resources for your APA format paper. However, remember that not everything online is a reliable source. For example, you can look at the URL of the website and review the publisher and author. Website addresses that end in edu or .gov are typically reliable.

To cite resources from a website, use the basic APA citation format. Include the URL or DOI but do not place a period after the web address.

Author, A. (Date). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Publisher. https://www.xxxxxxx.com

If there is no author, use the organization’s name or the title of the article in its place.

No Author


American College Health Association. (2015). National College Health Assessment II: Spring 2015 reference group executive summary. http://www.acha-ncha.org/reports_ACHA-NCHAII.html

Newspaper Article


Roth, C. (2019, November 11). Group gathers at state Capitol in support of DACA on eve of Supreme Court case. Arizona Republic. https://www.azcentral.com

Online Magazine Article Citation

Man typing an APA website citation on his laptop


Haidt, J. & Rose-Stockwell, T. (2019, December). The dark psychology of social networks: Why it feels like everything is going haywire. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/12/social-media-democracy/600763/

Online Journal Article Citation


Lakoff, G. (2014). Mapping the brain’s metaphor circuitry: Metaphorical thought in everyday reason. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (8). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4267278/

Electronic Book Citation

Ebook Citation Example

Jha, N. (2011). English speaking and grammar through Hindi. BookRix. https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-niranjan-jha-english-speaking-and-grammar-through-hindi/

Print/Online Book Citation Example

London, J. (2008). The call of the wild [Ebook #215]. The Project Gutenberg.  http://www.gutenberg.org/files/215/215-h/215-h.htm

Blog Post Citation

Blog Citation Example

Millard, D. (2019, November 8). The Public Domain Review rockets the oddities of the past into the present. The Outline. https://theoutline.com/post/8208/the-public-domain-review-rockets-the-oddities-of-the-past-into-the-present

Blog Comment Citation


Brodsky, J. (2019, November 6). An inspiring story for writers: Could this be you someday [Comment on the blog post “An Inspiring Story for Writers: Could This Be Someday?]. Kathy Steinemann. https://kathysteinemann.com/Musings/impact/#more-4569

Online Forum Message Citation


SocialButterfly. (2018, November 23). How do I tell a family member that they have gained weight in a polite encouraging way. [Comment on the blog post “How to talk to family”]. Quora. https://www.quora.com/

Video Blog Post Citation


Bialik, M. (n.d.). Stigma free [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8gKy5eKupw

Online Map Citation


United States Geological Survey. (1960).  Albuquerque West. USGS AASG. https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/img4/ht_icons/overlay/NM/NM_Albuquerque%20West_193696_1960_24000_geo.jpg

Podcast Citation


Taylor, H. [Executive Producer]. (2019, November 10). Season 14: Theory and technique. [Audio podcast episode]. Writing Excuses. https://writingexcuses.com/

  • Do not place a period after the URL
  • Include https:// or http:// before the URL
  • Use screen names for blog comments or online forums, if needed


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